“Bad libraries build collections, good libraries build services, great libraries build communities.”

–R. David Lankes

What the Library Does for our Community

The Rockport Public Library is a living symbol of Rockport’s commitment to the idea that all people should have equal access to information, new technology and be welcomed into the heart of the community.  More than just a building that holds books, the Rockport Public Library is the community’s gathering and learning center.

At the Rockport Public Library, people come to engage in many different ways. It can happen quietly as a child or adult reads a story that transports them to new places, or as neighbors listen intently to a speaker or pick up new skills in a workshop. Sometimes we connect while reading a poem or with light-hearted laughter as parents and children create crafts. These are the bonds of community engagement that benefit us all. A community library is a vital part of who we are.  

A Century of Service

The role Rockport Public Library plays in our community has grown significantly during the past several decades. Uses are changing — books now can be checked out in audio and downloadable formats. The staff strives to offer all of the technological services of a modern library and meet the cutting edge needs of the next generation of patrons, while maintaining the inviting, small-town community the Library always has been. Usage has only increased since it was built back in 1949, and it’s projected to climb even further.